April 19, 2010

Perfect control

I said: Jesus, You keep the world in perpetual motion, moving in perfect synchronization and with ethereal displays of beauty. The seasons come and go, the wind blows, I may not know what will happen next, but You take such great care of nature around me and the world spins just as it should, that I'm given more than enough reason to trust you to take care of little ol' me and my life, the uncertain, dynamic, beautiful, scary, surprising thing that you've made my life to be.

I asked to be given eyes to see that everything's alright, because you're in perfect control.
And true to your word, the very next morning you reminded me and assured me through this message how it's all true, not just a hunch... but I knew it.
This you told me, and I thank you.

"I made the world. I made you. I know your past. I know your future. There is nothing you will encounter in life that I haven’t foreseen or that I’m incapable of handling. Life may seem random at times, but it’s not. Every factor in your life is under My control, and you won’t encounter anything you are incapable of overcoming with My help. I’m not only in control of eternity, but I’m in control of your future."

Perfect, you are perfect.


Alice J. said...

Wow! sweet, assuring, beautiful and it gave me peace! such a nice feeling! Thank you Lord for keeping everything in control and letting us know its all in your hands so that we can trust you!
ahh thanks for posting this :) great reminder of who's in control I love you Steph! :)

Sandy said...

I am now 100 times richer than I was a minute ago. Steph it was beautiful, how many times I've tryed to put it into words but this.. it was mind blowing.
Truly a pure soul could only write this. Thanks for being the way you are, beautiful in every way, time spent with you is enriching.

Windy said...

Wow, this is beautiful! I love it soooo much! and I read it just in the moment when I needed it! ...some while ago, but I got my lazy butt to get over here and comment so that you could know how special it was for me.
Thank you Steph! You're wonderful!

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