May 13, 2010

What I love about uncertainty

I'm uncertain, but I've never been this sure.
Sure that I'm loved, sure that He's with me on it.
Sure that I have no idea of what comes next.
Sure that things change and are never the same...
Sure that I don't have forever to be with the people I love, but there's never a goodbye that's true, cause I'll see you again.
Sure that with each step on thin air, He's taking me somewhere -where he wants me to go- and that is worth the uncertainty to me.
If at times I break down and forget, tell me to stop looking down and to look ahead. Isn't that what birds do?
I'm not a bird, but I have Him. And isn't that a million times better than having your own wings?
I'd die if I didn't have you all the time Jesus. Dead, yes. Thanks for keeping me alive, keeping me awake, thanks for giving me sight, thanks for holding my hand, thanks for surrounding me with your arms at night, thanks for making me laugh, thanks for kissing me sweet, holding my face in your hands and telling me as many times as I need to hear that all is okay.
I don't think I've ever been so in love with you..


Windy said...

Wow, this is beautiful! Did you write it?

Alice J. said...

WOW! sweet! man this is soo amazing and.. assuring at the same time... :) yes some things ARE scary and we have uncertainty but we have the assurance that He is there for us at all times! tx for posting this i totally needed it right now Love you!! :*

Stephanie said...

Thank u Jesus, I'm so glad it can help someone else :-* ..yeah I did wrote it Winds during some quiet time..thinking..I've been doing a lot of that lately, my mom calls me "distraida" :D

kat said...

i've been looking through your blog and everything is super encouraging and exactly what i need when i look at it, i just thought i should let you know... you're making a difference in peoples lives with your posts, thanks for being such an awesome channel of jesus and his love and words!

Stephanie said...

thank you Jesus! thanks Kat! It's really encouraging, I really appreciate it :-* and I'm thankful that little sparks and things that have helped me are helping you as well..we've got it so good with His Love, have we not? (sends a hug)

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