Why am I in love with you?
Because I can't resist the thought of your melting smile.
Because I don't have to work up love when I see or envision you.
Because you know me so well.
Because even though you can see everything with magnificent clarity and balance, you're not impatient when pettiness clouds my view.
Because you understand.
Because giving me what I need and truly want is a top priority in your list.
Because you're perfect.
Because you created bliss and chocolate, worlds to enjoy.
Because I can experience my earthly life with you.
Because you loved me more than your own life.
Because your love for me grows with each passing day.
Because you're not my imagination or a fruit of any fantasy.
Because you're hot, sexy and kind, you're all I could want in a man.
Because you're strong enough to carry me and the rest of the world and universe on your broad shoulders.
Because you know how to make me the happiest.
Because there is no need for secrets between us.
Because you dance.
Because it's not within me to live without you.
Because no one is better than you.
Because we can be together wherever I happen to be.
Because your eyes are the deepest oceans of love.
Because you give me a reason to be.
Because when I'm with you I want nothing else.
Because you satisfy me.
Written somewhere around February 2009, in a JEAN notebook, with little doodles on the edges.
I can tell you now again, with greater boldness.
If it weren't for You, I wouldn't be living today.Thanks Love. Thank you, Jesus. "Never doubt in the darkness, what God has shown you in the light." Help me with that.