February 17, 2010

My two pockets

There is a happy soul whose home is the Other End of Nowhere. He has two pockets. One has a hole in it and the other is carefully watched that no hole develops in it. Everything that he hears of a hurtful nature--insult, cutting remark, gossip, unclean suggestion, or any such thing--he writes on a piece of paper and sticks it into his pocket with the hole. Everything which he hears that is kind, true, and helpful, he writes on a piece of paper and puts it in the pocket without the hole.
At night he turns out all that is in the pocket without the hole, goes over all that he had put into it during the day, and thoroughly enjoys all the good things that have come his way that day.Then he sticks his hand into the pocket with the hole and finds nothing there, so he laughs and rejoices that there are no evil things to rehearse.
Too many of us reverse the other, putting the evil things in the pocket without the hole so that we can mull over them again and again, and the good things in the pocket with the hole so that they are quickly forgotten. Paul's way was: "Whatsoever things are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, whatever is admirable ...think on these things." (Philippians 4:8) -F.W. Boreham
I need to put things in the right pockets...take out the scissors to make the hole in the right one.


MJ said...

I luv it! It's so true! I have to put all the good things in the pocket without any holes and put all the bad things in the pocket with holes so I will forget them and be thankful for all the good things in life! Steph I love you!(put that in ur 'pocket with no holes'!! :-*

Windy said...

I love this story!!!

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