February 18, 2010

The Joy of being a part of you

Is the joy of being part of something greater.
The joy of singing the same song.
The joy of relating to each other so easily.
The joy of growing up together, living together and building memories.
The joy of helping to change the world by changing ourselves, by giving love and sharing it one heart at a time.
The joy of knowing we have brothers and sisters in the next country or on the other side of the globe.
The joy of being a support to each other, in times of crisis or in times of abundance.
The joy of haven't even met, but being no strangers, instead, family.
The joy of having one same goal and main purpose.
The joy of knowing that you're not the only one.
The joy of knowing there is someone out there who knows how it is, maybe even has been there, and what is best, also cares.
The joy of keeping communications and having an international network of friends and associates.
The joy of making history together.
The joy of changing together but being so individualistic at the same time that you can be fulfilled.
The joy of understanding each other.
The joy of sharing smiles.
The joy of being happy and fighting for many of the same things.
The joy of meeting each other at the different bends in the road and finding love in each other's smiles and disposition.
The joy of being a wordwide family!
The joy of knowing what it is and not being sure how to explain it.
It's the joy of having love and having Jesus, and striving to share it with others. How do you describe that?
The joy of growing and expanding and getting bigger and wider.
The joy of open arms.
The joy of not being perfect, but going on anyway.

Happy 42nd Anniversary!


Alice J. said...

Sighh! I'm just so glad I was born part of this family! Its so wonderful and amazing! Man I love my family! I love you!!

Windy said...

Me too! TYJ!
Oh, OOOOH! I'm famous!!! YAY!

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