April 5, 2009


For some, getting up in the morning is a whole challenge in itself. But I think everyone can find their own reasons to love life's challenges, when you think about it.
Mine -I think- are the following:
  1. They keep me alive.
  2. I´ll always be learning something new.
  3. Because I know that no matter how tough it gets, there is a way through it.
  4. I´ll get stronger with those challenges.
  5. I´ll understand others in their trouble.
  6. Without them I´d be bored and unchanging
  7. Because they stretch me to the point where I think I cannot reach, just to find out that I can.
  8. They bring liberty and a sense of victory once they're conquered.
  9. I wouldn't be who I am without them.
  10. I wouldn't be so in love with Jesus, if those challenges hadn't pushed me to run to Him for help and strength.
  11. Challenges are just too much a part of life to despise them when they can help to bring so much good, that would otherwise be lost.
  12. And all of the above are thanks to HIM
  13. He´ll be there for you. He´s always there.


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