March 19, 2009

Dead by midnight

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again."
- Og Mandino, The Greatest Miracle in the World

"If you knew that your time left on Earth with your loved ones, or those you live with, was short, how would you act? What would you say? How much concern and unselfishness would you show others? How much love would you give?"

I remember hearing a grown-up talking about this when I was a little girl , and mostly my imagination got the better of me and I would end up scared thinking that I would loose dear people around me.
But if you can control your imagination better than a six or seven year old, then I assure you you´ll learn to be grateful for this wisdom. It´s sobering, but true.
An extra "I love you" was never known to kill anybody. And a concentrated effort to stretch ones patience to its limits and beyond, has only made the person stronger and more lovable in the long run, which are only positive side effects.
That last one was for my personal benefit. I let the world know now, that I´m making a concentrated effort to become more patient. It has dawned on me that it´s what I need to do if I really want to show my love to some of those that I love the most in the world!
Cheers to Patience?!


Alice J. said...

Nice Stephie! I love your style! Keep it up! :-*

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