March 31, 2009

Rhyme Of Life

The following is one of my favorite songs, you may know it or you may not -I can´t tell since I don´t know who stops by this little place. But in any case it´s great food for thought and it´s always great to stop and think.

If every thought that came to mind came true,
What kind of world would it be?
If every promise sworn by man was kept,
What would divine words mean to me?

If every chance to succeed had gone my way,
What personality would I have today?
If my first romance had granted me life's every passion,
Would I have ever crossed your way?

Looking through the book of my life,
Turning pages of passing years,
I see a perfect rhyme throughout my life line.
Through the good times I hold dear,
And through my heartaches, through my tears,
My life has moved in time to the Creator of the design.

If every kiss had promised something more,
Would I have ever felt let down?
If my every desire had ended in satisfaction,
Would I still be satisfied now?

If my every dream had become reality,
What would I be dreaming of today?
If every wish I'd wished had come to be,
Would I be happier today?

I take from life all it has to give, given by the One for whom I live.
All occurs for a reason,
And for this reason I live a life that was given to me to give.

Through the good times I hold dear,
And through my heartaches, through my tears,
My life has moved in time to the Creator of the design.

March 29, 2009

Kissing the frog may not work

The princess crys when she realizes a kiss didn´t turn that green thing into her prince. There can still be hope, my dear. Maybe. Keep loving the unlovely
....Art by Shiro

Love is the reason the world survives


33. (Jesus:) Life on Earth is but for a moment. Your time of living on Earth—where love sometimes seems cheap and is not valued, and so many other things feel more important—is going to be over before you know it. And then you’ll have the rest of your existence (which is a very long time) to reap the rewards of all that love you gave away so freely. In Heaven, you’ll never lose again; you’ll see clearly how every act of love paid off, and you’ll be so glad for the times you made the right choice.

34. Even if you feel poor in the ways of love—maybe you don’t have someone special in your life, maybe you miss someone very much, maybe you want children to love but it hasn’t worked out, maybe you’re laboring alone for Me on a far-flung field—just keep giving the love that you have, in every way that you can, and you won’t lose. I won’t let you lose.

35. What you do for love multiplies forever. What you give on Earth for love is magnified in eternity. Keep giving away whatever you have to give, keep loving and serving in love, and you’ll more than win in the long run.

March 27, 2009


"Everyday can be like Christmas". I used to hear that quote plenty as a child.
...I know that talking about Christmas doesnt really apply with the times.
But in truth, if we´re being honest with ourselves, keeping the love and joy of Christmas is possible all year round.
Imagine a Christmas without the hectic days, the stressed people, the unnecesary decorations everywhere, the long lists of things to buy and do before it´s all over again.
The joy of Christmas is in reality as magnificent as the star of Bethlehem.
Do we really need a Christmas tree and a manger scene if front of our noses to remember love supernatural? Who needs to go around buying presents? - it´s proved that genuine love is far more precious. Can we look for despairing faces in need, give a helping hand and dedicate time to others only on Christmastime? And you know that brightening a scrooge´s day can only make yours better.
So when sick of boring, monotonous, draining days, pretend it´s Christmas day.
Your day will surely improve. Mine did.

March 26, 2009

Look through my eyes

Personally, I think this song is beautiful and much deeper when you take the time to listen, envision, and forget about those funny little bears from the movie.

March 23, 2009


My little brother and sister have started a campaign against the random pictures of them I post here. Not that there are many, but Ive decided to be fair before they come up with something and revenge. :D
I casually introduce you to my siblings, with decent and nice pictures -since apparently the other ones were the opposite-. Just for their sakes.

Siblings whom I love. Siblings that have the ability to irritate me to death, but don´t do so because they love me back.
Funny, annoying, foolish, sweet, talented, handsome and pretty (respectively) siblings of mine.

And as a little tidbit, here is a pic taken two and a half years ago, in Merida. Unbelievable.
They're so cute.

March 22, 2009

Mocking misery

There is no reason to be miserable.
I have too many things to be happy about. The type that don´t change, that are unmovable, and also the type that are only enjoyed once, just like a real good hug -the rest will all be different- :D
I know there are some people that have a big dislike for those that try to cheer them up unsuccesfully. It´s almost irritating, believe me, I know.
Perhaps I have no idea about your misery. But, if you feel a little bit down or like the shades of blue have turned amazingly horrifying then take a minute to read these:

"The best way out is always through."
-Robert Frost

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
-Charles Dickens

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
-Sir Winston Churchill

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."
-Og Mandino

March 19, 2009

Dead by midnight

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again."
- Og Mandino, The Greatest Miracle in the World

"If you knew that your time left on Earth with your loved ones, or those you live with, was short, how would you act? What would you say? How much concern and unselfishness would you show others? How much love would you give?"

I remember hearing a grown-up talking about this when I was a little girl , and mostly my imagination got the better of me and I would end up scared thinking that I would loose dear people around me.
But if you can control your imagination better than a six or seven year old, then I assure you you´ll learn to be grateful for this wisdom. It´s sobering, but true.
An extra "I love you" was never known to kill anybody. And a concentrated effort to stretch ones patience to its limits and beyond, has only made the person stronger and more lovable in the long run, which are only positive side effects.
That last one was for my personal benefit. I let the world know now, that I´m making a concentrated effort to become more patient. It has dawned on me that it´s what I need to do if I really want to show my love to some of those that I love the most in the world!
Cheers to Patience?!

March 13, 2009

Have a glimpse


To some of the latest pictures

No one like you, my dearest
-that's why I love you.

The sky was amazing that day -sigh, I'm in love.

This is such a High School Musical picture, if you know what I mean. I believe Nina -my lil sister- is very proud of me.

All this to say that, I'm going to miss these two ladies a whole lot. They plan to leave me at the same time, just like they did in July. Don´t tell me I´m bitter. I know they didn't mean to. In the meantime, I´ll sing to myself, if you my reader don´t mind.

I don't regret the rain or any tear I've cried,
I don't lament the pain that I've felt deep inside,
Because every heartbreak brought me closer to You,
And I belong with You. You are my Lover.
My heart beats for you. This is the truth.

When I need Your love to keep me warm at night,
Or Your arms to hold me above the raging bolts of light,
I hold out my hands, Love. You're there in that instant,
And I know I'm safe with You. You're my sanctuary.
I belong with You. You are my haven.

If I'm the book, You're the pen.
You're my beginning, You're my end.
You're the music, I'm the tape.
I replay, You create.
You're the words of my song.
You're my heart beating all day long.
I'm like the bird, You are my sky.
I need You in every chapter of my life.

There is no one better than you, Jesus.

March 12, 2009

Exception to the atrocities of being a copy-cat

"C'mon people leave a comment!
I just did a bit of traveling and I found out that there is a lot more people reading this blog then I thought. It was pretty revelatory seeing as I don't get very many comments. But please people, be a nerd and throw a comment or two my way when you get on here next time would ya, pretty please? Half the fun of keeping a blog is reading the comments. and if we've never met then go ahead and post one any way. Don't be shy now, I don't bite (Editor´s note: literally though, I do like biting ppl sometimes, that I confess). Thanks guys you rock the house. Have a nice day and stay warm and cozy, eat those fruits and veggies and stay healthy. Ciao."
I totally agree with him.
Be a voice and comment about it!

March 11, 2009

Little Prince Charming and Lene Pooh


Dear cuties had their birthday-party Monday afternoon. They´re such rays of sunshine. We all know they´re also rascals (No one like Lene -or Benji), but we love them all the more -involuntarily I´m sure.

The whole family rejoiced "Daddy is back!!" and eyes lit up like new light bulbs.

OK, just look at Lene´s face

"Benny, come on, a quick picture!" I say.

"Did you smile Benny? A BIG smile??"

He knows how to get his way

And he did smile -BIG.

Janine, the pretty lady
p.s. Thought Mari would love this one.

Oh adorable Lene, how we missed you when you went to Spain.
God Bless you Ali and Nathan, you and your kids are too beautiful.

Remember? Lene is a rascal.

March 9, 2009


"Some people have greatness thrust upon them. Very few have excellence thrust upon them... they achieve it. They do not achieve it unwittingly by 'doing what comes naturally' and they don't stumble into it in the course of amusing themselves. All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose." —John Gardner

March 4, 2009

See it through

By Edgar Guest

When you're up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it's vain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you
And your future may seem grim,
But don't let your nerve desert you;
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through!

Even hope may seem but futile,
When with troubles you're beset,
But remember you are facing
Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Don't give up, whate'er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through!

March 1, 2009

Pianist friends

When Polish pianist Igance Jan Paderewsky played before Queen Victoria, he won her enthusiastic approval. "Mr. Paderewsky", she exclaimed, "you are a genius."
Paderewsky shook his head, "Perhaps, your Majesty, but before that, I was a drudge", he replied.

Teresa and Sandy, I´m sure one day I´ll be able to add this when in need to introduce you both: "Meet my greatest friends and pianists. You should hear them play!" Don´t cringe. The spotlight becomes a beautiful place when you are sharing loveliness with the world. ;)
Girls, I love you lots, don´t mind me saying, keep up the good work!
P.S. Drudges rock.
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