June 27, 2010

She's Suz

Sweet Suz, its your birthday today..and I've got some things to tell you.
Things I forget to say when we see each other, when I see your happy smile while playing volleyball, when I hear your roaring laughter -grins-, when I see you dance or look upon the sun shining on the street and among the leaves (wow I'm getting so poetic)
You are so funny! It's hard to tell when you're so quiet, but underneath that there is the bubbling personality of such a fun girl, one I wish each of my friends could know!
You're sweet. You care about others, you're not like most people, selfish and concerned only about themselves. You go beyond the call of duty to do things for people that will make their days easier and happier.
Oh and your smiles! Your hugs! When you're gone I miss them terribly!
Everyone needs a Susie in their life, someone that makes them smile and laugh and forget about how bad they were feeling moments earlier. Someone who cares and loves them and is alright with the way they are, even if they do something stupid, act retarded or in the most dorky way imaginable. Everyone needs someone like you. Someone who tells them the truth, someone who for love would do nearly anything..
I wish more people were like you. I feel completely blessed to have you in my life.
Happy Birthday little Miss awesome!


Alice J. said...

Puukiss!! -Sob- I haven't posted something for you yet... :D but I will.. I will!! HAppy Birthday girly! muah!

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