I just finished watching an episode of "Ghost Whisperer", it was the sweetest I've seen!
I had the most enormous smile going on, and then was really touched at some points. One of the those rare times when you get up from the couch warmed inside.
Besides there being a romantic little side to it, with a joining story where a romantic shy Italian tries to win over a certain lady's heart; there was a cute guy acting as "a bad boy", a man named William...You see, all this appeals to Steph's heart.
But in truth what was the best about it was that, as the story goes, this man, William had had a heart operation over 50 years ago -at the age of 16. He died for a few minutes and upon seeing his body under him (yes, I believe in ghosts), and all the nurses trying to revive him, he saw the doctor struggling so badly he had to be taken out of the surgery room, and died of a heart attack himself, thinking he had killed his patient and that he had made a terrible mistake in the surgery room. When the nurses brought William back to life, he realized how precious his life was, since it had also cost him the doctor's own life. So he determined to not waste one second of it.
Not waste one second of the precious lives we all have...
In the story, this man did all he could to "live life to the full". He was one of those old men with gray hairs and twinkling eyes, that you know are very healthy and look so youthful. I believe enjoying life ONLY brings benefits.
I know this is just a story...but the lessons it contains go beyond.
I think that all I want to say -since I just ruined a "Ghost Whisperer" episode for you (guilty grin) is:
Why wait for something drastic to happen, like having your life or that of a loved one in serious danger, or even lost, to realize how precious life really is?
I hope I realize how precious my life is.
Maybe you get to learn how to make the most out of life with time. But all in all these seem to be the basics: live (breath deeply, take care of your body, learn all you can), laugh (enjoy the pleasures -that's what God made them for. Haha, Smile!) and love (we won't ever live till we've loved and loved fully). And then, I think we'll have a great beginning once our time comes to leave this Earth.
A friend used to tell me a lot "Live life with no regrets" and then she'd draw a heart next to that saying. (I love you Teresa)
And so this is me at 5:30 pm, with cold hands, an apron on, bright eyed and with a great need to run away from the computer and finish my book for tomorrow's Language exam. Wish me luck.
P.S. I just saw a double rainbow! -smiles-
Last time I saw a rainbow it was January. Man, time goes by too quickly. -hopeless grin-
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
28 minutes ago
I was surfing internet n i found a site which is very popular for tv shows.Here we can Watch Ghost Whisperer Online.
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