October 7, 2009

Life lessons from Lovebirds

This spoke right at me today. It was just like a fresh and much needed lovely breeze.

"Recently, my husband and I were walking through a local mall near closing time, when we decided to stop and take a look around the pet store

As we made our way past the cages of poodles and Pomeranians, tabby cats and turtles, our eyes caught sight of something that immediately charmed us: a pair of peach-faced lovebirds. Unlike many other lovebirds we encountered there, this particular pair looked truly "in love." In fact, they snuggled and cuddled next to each other the whole time we watched them.

Throughout the next few days, my mind returned to the image of those two delightful birds. I admired their devotion, and felt their very presence inspiring.

Apparently, these birds had the same effect on my husband, because he showed up late from work one night shortly thereafter, clutching an elegant birdcage that housed those two precious creatures, and introduced them as new additions to the family. I have watched these lovebirds and made the following observations about life and love:

1. If you spend too much time looking in the mirror, it's easy to lose your balance.

2. Always keep a pleasant look on your face, even if your cage needs cleaning.

3. If your mate wants to share your perch with you, move over.

4. The real treats in life usually come only after you've cracked a few hulls.

5. It takes two to snuggle.

6. Sometimes your mate can see mites you didn't even know you had.

7. Singing draws more affection than squawking.

8. It is only when your feathers get ruffled that your true colors really show.

9. Too many toys can be distracting.

10. When you have love in your heart, everyone around you will find joy in your presence."

—Vickie Lynne Agee (Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul)


Meg said...

awwww...so sweeet! and so true~

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