February 1, 2009


"Inconveniences are a fact of life; learn to smile through them."

Which includes...
Smiling when the glass of water shatters, when your hair is having a bad day, when the person who said they´d be there aren't, when you wash the car and it rains, when your ice cream melts too fast under the blazing sun, when you trip while carrying a stack of books, when someone sits on your glasses or mp3, when the loud chatter doesn't let you sleep, when you run out of matches or can´t find toilet paper while sitting in that blessed bathroom, when you can´t make it to a party, when the meal you cooked burns, when you find unwanted little visitors in your bedroom; I´m sure the list is endless if you add your own. The simple but hard lesson: just smile.
If it helps to convince you (also talking to inner self), there are already too many grumpy, negative and unhappy people on the planet.


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