February 11, 2009

Fruit-full kitchen

The fruit is truly delicious, especially the peaches which I ate 9 of -perhaps abusing a little of the yummy healthiness we have, of which I'm GREATLY thankful for.
This afternoon, looking at the bananas, apples, mangoes, oranges, pineapples, watermelon, peaches and yes, even papaya, I felt an urging sense of gratitude. All this fruit along with the veggies and meat, is given to us by out faithful providers and friends. So I stood there dumbfound at their giving hearts that refill our kitchen every week. My eyes kept getting wider in wonder (though I didn't stop to think if that actually happened physically), as the Boss crossed my head; the one behind the hearts of gold, the one who promised would supply our every need. Its sad to know the times when we didn't take His promises seriously. God is funny, He did create laughter and He does enjoy it, but His promises and His jokes have no connecting strings. Its funny how I was reminded of such an important fact, especially when my boss is Him.

Related to the fruit topic in my head, I though of "Giving".
Surely its a gift to have the ability to give (do I sense a contradiction in that sentence?)! Some people can give much more easily than others -like our friends in the market, fo example- but I get the feeling that's a non valid excuse. The gift to give is in every ones heart! If its easier for someone that's because they've started giving and have discovered how it all comes back to them multiplied many times over. They probably keep giving because now their life is overflowing with riches!
Jesus, help me to have a giving heart, and willing hands and feet to go the extra mile in order to give.

"Embrace new opportunities to give. The giving muscle easily grows flabby through lack of use. Try to find something to give every single day -whether a smile, a compliment, a flower, a bit of your time, a listening ear, a good meal, an item of clothing you don't need, a tender embrace, or a kind word. There is always something you can give to others."


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