I need to stop worrying about the appearance of my tree, about what people will think of it. And I need to start caring more about lovingly rooting myself in Your ground, soaking in Your soil, absorbing Your essence, going deeper and deeper and forgetting about what's out there for all to see. Because I'm busy going deeper, and deeper. In the dark, where no one sees, where You are, just You and me.
"Jesus showed me that one day", I told my honey one weekend night. And he and I are on the same page. "Sometimes we want it to be this big, leafy, beautiful tree to see....and to show off, but Jesus knows that it's the unseen by others, where our heart is, that counts." "Yes!" I answered, and on we talked into the night.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
33 minutes ago
Everytime I read your blog it's just what I need. I hope you know that I've read each and every single blog post. numbaaahh one fan for evaah! Steph I miss you soo freakkiing much! -cries-
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