November 5, 2012

Recipe to help perfectionists: Just praise!

Written by Ann Voskamp
“You’ve gotten over that nasty spell of perfectionism?”
I’m surprised too.
“I guess it’s just coming to realize…” I lean back into him and I didn’t know the words until they slipped out true,
“God doesn’t ask me to be perfect; He asks me to praise.”
I don’t have to have smudgeless windows and empty laundry baskets and gleamy toilet bowls! I don’t have to have a perfect life, all problems solved! I think I hear the Hallelujah chorus!
I simply need to have a grateful heart to give Him glory.
Gratitude in all things is the only thing God asks.

So the recipe for my malady simply is to praise. 
I left my lunch in the kitchen table when I ran out the door, but thank you Jesus for money in my wallet to buy something nice to eat. 
I coughed on my way to school, thank you Jesus that it's just a temporary cold! 
I found out I had forgotten a writing assignment that I had taken a long time to write, thank you Jesus that I had the draft in my notebook and the rest in my head, and time between classes to write it again.
Third thing forgotten, a presentation for my history class! Jesus thank you for reminding me early in the morning and supplying the means and time to prepare it! You're so sweet, Jesus! 
Thank you for kind teachers, for hugs given with our faces apart 'cause I have a cold, and people's smiles shared on the hallway. 
Thank you Jesus for your Word and for the books piled on my night table. As well as all those crazy beautiful crystal rain drops shining on pine trees that I saw today.
I love you, Jesus.
Thank you for making me imperfect, yet I'm your beloved, beautiful bride. 


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