December 16, 2011

Christmas imperfection

Following is a beautiful reflection written by Windy. It touched me.
Do you wish for perfection?

"We may not be perfect, things and people may not be perfect, situations or events may not be perfect… and yet, isn’t that a great part of what the celebration of Christmas is all about?

A loving father looked upon his beautiful creation–his children–yet realizing their own faults and shortcomings and that emptiness and longing for love and forgiveness that each one had, he sent his Perfect son, Jesus to a world full of imperfections.

The woman who would be his mother was in a pretty imperfect state to have a baby.

The timing for his birth couldn’t have been more imperfect.

A stable to call his first home, a manger as his first crib, tattered cloths as his first garments, and animal noises as his first lullaby. Nothing close to perfect I would say.

Yet the biggest miracle of Christmas is that He broke through those imperfections, He used them as a testimony that God doesn’t need perfection to bring his love, hope and salvation to the world. In fact, from what I see, He is quite fond of using odd and totally bizarre circumstances and turning them into something beautiful, something everlasting. I guess I could some that all up as: God loves to use broken things."


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