January 20, 2011

Best interests at heart

From Jesus with Love

I have your best interests at heart. Everything that has happened to you, or will yet happen to you, or hasn’t happened to you, has all been according to My plan. You haven’t been forgotten, missed, skipped over, neglected, or any of the terrible lies that the Enemy might whisper to you. You’re right where I want you, and being in the center of My will is what will always bring you the greatest joy.

January 17, 2011

Just being human

“Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.”—Al Franken

Thank you so much for sending me this quote Jesus, especially today!

January 13, 2011


"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.—The one to whom I can say, “I like me best when I’m with you.”—Unknown

He goes for the impossible cases


-Clip from "Dreamer" (2006)-

God specializes in making the impossible work.
If you feel like you're the runner with the disadvantages. Maybe a mare, of which none have won the race before. Perhaps you've gotten hurt and don't feel fit for the run. Or very few people or none believe you can make it. Let me tell you that God believes you can and that He'll cause the unbelievers to drop their mouths open! He can turn the disadvantages of whatever situation into victories and cause what others believed to be impossible, become possible.
Think about David and Goliath. Young, inexperienced, inadequately armed David going to face a giant of three meters tall who is a veteran warrior. Talk about odds and risks. Now, remember who won?
I've got an impossible situation, and I know there will always be one or many in my life. But I'm comforted with the fact that Jesus goes for the impossible cases! -And He does because those demonstrate His enormous power.
There's nothing too hard for Jesus. After all, He made the universe out of nothing! And He loves to do the impossible! He loves overwhelming us with His love and power, He loves to awe us and show us how well cared for we are. He loves showing us who is Boss and Who can do all things! All we need to do is believe and keep the faith when everything around us looks dead wrong. That's the hard part, but it's worth it if we wanna see the miracle.

“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man’s power ends.” -George Mueller

January 12, 2011

What truly matters

Today I talked to a man, who has been a friend, a mentor and a former teacher of mine. He told me he had blown it really bad, that all of his long hours at work, doing all he could to reach a higher level of living had been futile cause now in the state he was in, having money didn't matter at all. Possessions meant little to him, he couldn't care less for the material things and it showed. But he grasped on to a little book with Jesus' words and trusted that "This will help me on!"
In the end that's all that will.
In the end, love is what matters most.
His misty eyes told me this is a reality I must keep for life. Yet another reminder, thank you Sweet Love.

January 11, 2011

"Worry about"

In bed I kept thinking: "what if this happens? And then this person does this and the other feels that? No! What did I get into?! Why does this have to be happening?!"
Jesus: There's no need for you to be worrying about that.
I looked startled, thought about it and then asked in a final tone, "Then what should I be worrying about?"
Jesus: Worry that I won't take care of you.
Now I had a confused look. "But what is there to worry about in that?!"
Jesus: Exactly. NOTHING!
There's nothing to worry about.
My smile had grown by the minute and I realized pathetic little me had to stop worrying.
At last!

January 10, 2011

Thank you Jesus for my sight!

Sometimes I grumble about needing my glasses. They get in my way, they're unromantic, and they make me feel like I need to be careful rather than playful. But without them, the stars look fuzzy, loved faces meters away from mine look blurry and I'd surely end up waving frantically at a stranger thinking it's a friend.
I'm actually thankful for my gift of sight, Jesus. Increadibly thankful!
I'm thankful I can watch butterflies float by; the look of my mom's mouth wide open roaring with laughter and my dad's funny look while sitting next to her. I'm thankful I can see close to a hundred birds gather on phone wires and fly toward the horizon together. I'm thankful for the look of a couple in love dancing. The sight of my loved ones gliding through ice or stumbling a little. I love the sight of family or friends hugging each other!
I praise you Jesus for the gift of seeing happiness in the eyes of those I love. I praise you for how I can spot a dandelion and watch its dancing seeds fly away. (Even if it's into my mouth...Sandy!) I praise you for how I can see the Christmas lights shine and the manger scene make a child smile. Oh and the look of people's goofy faces! I praise you for the sight of words on paper or on a screen through which I keep in contact with friends far away, and I praise you for sight of the street that takes me to my best friend's home. Thank you for the sight of little kids with open arms running to me! And for the sight of the glistening moon in its many phases. Thank you for the sight of my sweet mom whose presence rules the kitchen, thank you for the sight of her beautiful hands and that of her head peeping in by the door to say: "I love you! Goodnight!". I praise you for the look of accomplishemnt in Adrian's face when he completes a drawing and likes his work or when he's concentrating on something. Thank you for the sight of Nina's curls, laughing face and the excited look she has when she comes to tell me something. Thank you for the sight of my dad's moustache, his hands at the wheel and the way he looks when he has kissed my hand. I praise you for the sight of the woods lighting up when the sun comes to greet them and the display of beauty when the sun says goodbye.
Not to mention the gift of touch, smell, taste or sound!
You've honestly made life great, beautiful, spiced up and intersting!
Thank you so much for my senses Jesus! I don't think I can properly thank you for things, but I'll keep enjoying them and I'll tell you more how appreciate them so, one at a time! It would be tragic to have one of my senses go missing and only then realize how blessed I am in being able to experience them to the full! 'Course, that's up to me. Help me, dear Love!

"Enjoy the little things‚ for they are the essence of life. Appreciate the senses I have given you; use them to their fullest. When you look, see. When you eat, taste. When you hear‚ listen. When you touch, feel. When you smell, let the scent fill your whole body. It is only when you take My blessings for granted that life loses its luster." -Jesus

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Dear family, friends, and fellowmen,
To those who are lonely: may you find love, both earthly and everlasting.
To those who are loved: may that love grow as you share it with others.
To those who are longing: may your heart's desires be sated by the things that truly satisfy.
To those who are in need: may this year be the beginning of better times.
To those who hurt: may you find peace - first with yourself, and then with the world.
To those who are unsure: just keep it real, and let your integrity be its own reward.
And to one and all: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

-Written by David Salas,
a man I admire and love!

Copyright © Carving a living dream