July 11, 2010

Pancakes from the sky

A chat one day:

Sandy: I know, we feel there should be something
more outstanding. when, if we just cared to look around, we'd see that flower budding that baby smile, that heart felt hug
Sandy: that beautiful smile
Sandy: and simple I love you's
stephanie: (huge growing, growing smile)
Sandy: and the whole world turns into a rainbow
Sandy: if we could only stop ..
Sandy: and appreciate
Sandy: but we don't
Sandy: we instead look at the mud, the puddles, our imperfections.
Sandy: you know what we need?
stephanie: or other's..
Sandy: a pancake to fall from the sky and hit us
Sandy: yeah
Sandy: hahaha
stephanie: hahhahahahaha
stephanie: hummm.. yumm!


Alice J. said...

Hahahah you weirdos!!! Aahhh I love youu!! I want a pancake from the sky to fall and hit me so I can see the rainbow and not the puddles :D -sigh- I love Sandy! :D

Natalia said...

good point Sandy has there :P but now i want pancakes! i'm gonna make some tomorrow for breakfast :D can't wait :-" Luv u

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