February 28, 2009

20 Reasons to Love the wind

  1. It gives you a sense of freedom
  2. It´s supportive when flying
  3. It creates a bond between Heaven and Earth
  4. No one can stop it from blowing
  5. It carries awareness
  6. It stimulates your senses
  7. It´s never bound nor boring
  8. It guides
  9. It impulses
  10. It ruffles the world
  11. It brings action and movement
  12. It´s friends with the elements that govern the Earth
  13. Its song cannot be compared with
  14. It has the ability to exhilirate your soul
  15. It runs with the wild
  16. It´s the best teacher to learn to flow and trust
  17. It´s one that makes waves
  18. It´s mysterious, where shall it go?
  19. It´s invisible, untagible, and yet its effects are everywhere
  20. The love of the Creator nests in its wings
As incredible as it could sound the winds of change -much like the winds that toss and sweep the Earth- are astonishing and reassuring, bringing beauty and peace through the howling, morphing the Earth into a symphony of life.
Change is the proof that we´re alive, compared to the average zombies, we´re strong and wild as we ride the winds of the unknown.
The reassuring part is, the winds are ruled by God.


The blogger layout is insane! It won´t let me edit my template -and in my desperation the former layout was erased. Sniff, sniff. It gives me a code error that is positively annoying me very much. If you have any idea of what to do now, please tell me.
Perhaps I should also tell you that I even made a new blog to start all over again, but it won´t let me change the template even then.
p.s. Through the keys (hopeful face)!

February 24, 2009

Warning - I miss these people


Gabriel is real funny-looking here, but I miss him all the more. Darn it.

Joxy, being himself :P

Edit, Aurea and Priscilla. Such good, lovely, dear of dearest friends.

Explanation: When you live on the other side of the country you cant help but miss those that made your life richer and that keep putting a smile on your face.
The practical solution now is:
1. taking the phone and calling
2. Saving money and practicing convincing skills to travel to Merida.

February 22, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños Denise!

Last night we celebrated Denise´s 9th birthday. Their little, homy house was packed with guests, including their loud and joyful voices, kids running around, pizza being distributed and baloons blown all over.

Adrian, Denise and Kerenina

The birthday girl

A corner of laughter. No joke.

Andrea with her daddy

Singing "Happy Birthday to you!"

Shoving cake into the family´s faces, commonly and properly called "mordida"
Mom and Nelly

My parents with Chavo and Noemí -dear and close friends.

Weirdoes cannot go missing in such events :D

February 16, 2009

Not busy for love and friends


Valentine´s has gone by and I didn't even write anything here! Do forgive me, Ive had no time for my blog lately, as incredible as that could sound to some genuinely busy people.
Some long-life friends have come to visit! Mary Dear, her mom Sweetie, and Faithy. Their names describe them so well. Which means that if you meet Mary Dear, she´ll be a dear friend in no time; if auntie Sweetie sees you, you´ll be showered with sweetness right away; and if aunt Faithy comes along, you´ll come in contact with a rock of faith.
Here goes a poem dedicated to friendship, which makes the heart merry, warm, strong and healthy with laughter.

Love and Friendship
Emily Brontë

Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree—
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That, when December blights thy brow,
He may still leave thy garland green.

with Mary Dear

February 12, 2009

stolen photographs

I found these cute and fun pictures the other day while clicking away. Take a look, I´m sure the photographer will be pleased with my display.


February 11, 2009

Fruit-full kitchen


The fruit is truly delicious, especially the peaches which I ate 9 of -perhaps abusing a little of the yummy healthiness we have, of which I'm GREATLY thankful for.
This afternoon, looking at the bananas, apples, mangoes, oranges, pineapples, watermelon, peaches and yes, even papaya, I felt an urging sense of gratitude. All this fruit along with the veggies and meat, is given to us by out faithful providers and friends. So I stood there dumbfound at their giving hearts that refill our kitchen every week. My eyes kept getting wider in wonder (though I didn't stop to think if that actually happened physically), as the Boss crossed my head; the one behind the hearts of gold, the one who promised would supply our every need. Its sad to know the times when we didn't take His promises seriously. God is funny, He did create laughter and He does enjoy it, but His promises and His jokes have no connecting strings. Its funny how I was reminded of such an important fact, especially when my boss is Him.

Related to the fruit topic in my head, I though of "Giving".
Surely its a gift to have the ability to give (do I sense a contradiction in that sentence?)! Some people can give much more easily than others -like our friends in the market, fo example- but I get the feeling that's a non valid excuse. The gift to give is in every ones heart! If its easier for someone that's because they've started giving and have discovered how it all comes back to them multiplied many times over. They probably keep giving because now their life is overflowing with riches!
Jesus, help me to have a giving heart, and willing hands and feet to go the extra mile in order to give.

"Embrace new opportunities to give. The giving muscle easily grows flabby through lack of use. Try to find something to give every single day -whether a smile, a compliment, a flower, a bit of your time, a listening ear, a good meal, an item of clothing you don't need, a tender embrace, or a kind word. There is always something you can give to others."

February 9, 2009

When at war

"Don't let the annals of Heaven say "Here is the record of a warrior who could have been, who could have defeated Satan, but he or she ran in fright when faced with the opportunity". What a horrible thing that would be. Instead, let this be the inscription next to your name: "Here is recorded the tale of the undefeated warrior of David. Within this record is an example of an overcomer. The halls of heaven proudly salute (your name here)"." -Jesus

"War means fighting. The business of the soldier is to fight. Armies are not called out to dig trenches, to throw up breastworks, to live in camps, but to find the enemy and strike him; to invade his country, and do him all possible damage in the shortest possible time."
-Stonewall Jackson, a general in the American Civil War.

"You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory however long and hard the road may be. For without victory there is no survival." -Sir Winston Churchill

"We shall have all eternity to celebrate the victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them." -Amy Carmichael

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

To all soldiers

How would you like a surcease from battle, a reprieve from all sacrifice, a break from the suffering, a time off from the battleground?
There is more than just a need to rest from the fight in a soldiers life. The soldier needs faith, endurance, conviction, courage and a will to not let up the fight. He will encounter all manner of foes, because the possibilities of confrontation are endless. There will be need to get up and counter another blow when he is already tired and wounded in heart and body.
That is why not many are soldiers, and why you are so precious, a rare breed in great demand. That is why our human history remembers great fighters. And that is why we live and die everyday to complete what they began. That is why the records of universal history will honor your name, because you won´t put your weapons down.
There is no glory in spilling blood, but there is glory in bringing to an end the reign of Satan. We don't carry the flag of any earthly nation, not even the the flag of aliens -to those who believe in their existence. We carry our personal flags of Victory, and the banner of Heaven stands high over the defeated armies of Hell that keep retreating in terror and utter confusion.
You feel confused? They're ten times worse.
You feel defeated? They don´t have a chance to triumph.
You feel alone? They shriek in fear knowing what you alone can do to them.
You feel tired? They are more than spent, and will soon shout helplessly their surrender.
You feel weak? They don´t have a back up strength that is sufficient to win every battle -you do.
Carry on!
I´m honored to fight along your side, and I´ll do my best to cover your back, uphold you when you´re wounded, strike a blow to your aggressor, help you out of a tramp, raise the flag of your victory, and give my life for you; because I know you'd do the same for me.
Lets learn from the greats, shall we? Lets learn from battles past and from wars fought. One thing they all have in common. Whether there was a stronger side, whether extra help was given, whether the times sent a turn of events, or whether they were all helpless, the victors always were the persevering, enduring ones -no matter what the rest of their condition looked like. Their cause was worth it.

By the way, I just finished watching "The Patriot", and I couldn't restrain myself from thinking about my own life as a soldier, and of those of you who fight with me.
And just for the record: Your name will be written next to the fighters of old, the great warriors of the past, the soldiers of the cross, under the title "Victors of the Lamb", because you are still here, because you're a soldier.
with love, a fellow comrade in arms.

"You hold the victor’s flag, and thus you shall not fail.
You hear the victor’s song, so let your faith be strong!
Raise your voice, lift your eyes, step forth with heart of praise!
The battlefield is yours to conquer, so let your flag be raised!"

February 4, 2009

The things that haven´t been done before


By Edgar Guest

(Tap, tap. Uhhhh I don´t mean to stop you from continuing to read but, I warn you that this is yet another poem to add something to my recently born blog. I don´t mean to bore you to death either, dying is not a nice prospect when you dear reader can live, even if you get the feeling that you might be better off dead. I assure you though that every piece of poetry is worth your time, some way or another :D -This one is included in the not-long list of my favorites)

The things that haven't been done before,
Those are the things to try;
Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore
At the rim of the far-flung sky,
And his heart was bold and his faith was strong
As he ventured in dangers new,
And he paid no heed to the jeering throng
Or the fears of the doubting crew.

The many will follow the beaten track
With guideposts on the way.
They live and have lived for ages back
With a chart for every day.
Someone has told them it's safe to go
On the road he has traveled o'er,
And all that they ever strive to know
Are the things that were known before.

A few strike out without map or chart,
Where never a man has been,
From the beaten path they draw apart
To see what no man has seen.
There are deeds they hunger alone to do;
Though battered and bruised and sore,
They blaze the path for the many, who
Do nothing not done before.

The things that haven't been done before
Are the tasks worthwhile today;
Are you one of the flock that follows, or
Are you one that shall lead the way?
Are you one of the timid souls that quail
At the jeers of a doubting crew,
Or dare you, whether you win or fail,
Strike out for a goal that's new?

February 1, 2009



"Inconveniences are a fact of life; learn to smile through them."

Which includes...
Smiling when the glass of water shatters, when your hair is having a bad day, when the person who said they´d be there aren't, when you wash the car and it rains, when your ice cream melts too fast under the blazing sun, when you trip while carrying a stack of books, when someone sits on your glasses or mp3, when the loud chatter doesn't let you sleep, when you run out of matches or can´t find toilet paper while sitting in that blessed bathroom, when you can´t make it to a party, when the meal you cooked burns, when you find unwanted little visitors in your bedroom; I´m sure the list is endless if you add your own. The simple but hard lesson: just smile.
If it helps to convince you (also talking to inner self), there are already too many grumpy, negative and unhappy people on the planet.

Copyright © Carving a living dream