November 8, 2013

Actually, a tree ablaze

I want to dedicate this post, authored by Ann Voskamp and posted on her blog this early November day, to my best friends because I know we've all battled and fight daily to let go of the measuring sticks.

“The world isn’t a forest of measuring sticks. The world is a forest of burning bushes. Everything isn’t a marker to make you feel behind or ahead; everything is a flame to make you see GOD is here. That God is working through this person’s life, that God is redeeming that person’s life, that God is igniting this work, that God is present here in this mess, that God is using even this.”
“Walk through life with a measuring stick – and your eyes get so small you never see God.”
(Read more...)
From, How the Hidden Dangers of Comparison are Killing Us 
… {and Our Daughters} : The Measuring Stick Principle


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