October 29, 2012

Writing again

I have been reading blogs (wonderful ones!), but I haven't been writing as much.
I don't know you, but I read blogs as a breather, to remember that I'm not the only one feeling this or that way, and it's such a reassuring, refreshing feeling. And I'm also enriched by people's stories, particularly when they're daring enough to show who they really are and what they really go through. Those are the people that I love reading!

So now that I look at my blog, I want to make it such a place. I want to write again. And I haven't been writing because my mind says "I don't have time", but my heart says "You have to write." Because when writing my story I know I'll realize things that I hadn't seen before, and when I write little preachings I know that they're for me and that sharing them with you makes me more accountable than if I didn't. I'll remember more. I'll remember His love more because it's present all around me but sometimes I go so fast through life that I fail to notice, writing things down is a way of going slower. And I know there'll be times, I already feel it, when I'll feel like I want to write the world but I can't seem to find enough time. But that's okay, I'll still write as much as I can.

And you know what? My hope is that in these lines, in these scrolling downs you'll find more of God's love in your own life. Because that's honestly what I always want to see; I think that's what determines everything: who we are, how we think, feel, act, what we do and where we end up. To me it's all comes down to what we do about His love. Not how much of it there is 'cause there's an endless supply, rather how much we take in!

I'm confident that His love is what will take me through anything. But when life hits, I freak out and I need His hand to tenderly take me back to that place where I know who I am, who I belong to and who is in control, and He always does it the best way. I don't want to forget what He's done or miss what He's teaching me because I wasn't attentive enough. I want to sing a song to His goodness, yet the one who is healed when singing is... me.


Windy said...

You bless me so much Stephy!
Speaking of good blogs, check out http://usplusfour.blogspot.com/
It's a lady who is doing the moments thing that you told me you wanted to get a book of. Like, writing moments you're thankful of each day... oh boy, I forgot... umm
1,000 gifts? Something like that?
well, she's following that and is AMAZING in how she writes it!!! oxoxox
I know you will be super inspired by it like I am!

Sandy Goyer said...

I was about to tell you right more in your blog! I love that you are! I love you Stephy! Know that I will always be your faithful stalker!

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