Oh how I wish Adrian and Kerenina were little kids again -this I sighed one day. I was looking through old pictures and that idea seemed fantastic to me, looking at my two siblings while they were small, cute and innocent. My mom overheard my sigh and immediately asked me if I really meant that. Why of course I did, although I´d want to be my present age so I could play with them and enjoy their chubbiness and adorable, funny ways. My mom just heard me out but added with a some what funny tone of voice: "You wouldn´t be able to do so many of the things you do now. It´ll be tiring for you."
(Clearing throat)
Well... it´s not like I´ll actually see them shrink in size and age or anything.
Don´t get me wrong, I love my brother and sis as they are, but I do have to cope with her infatuation with Zac Efron and his inevitable addiction to Club Penguin.
They´re darling ones, though. Just for you to get an idea, we named three roosters today, which are now our neighbors: Marcelo, Cornelio and Florentino. Nina still insists with naming her rooster, Peter (rolling eyes) -that is not a good name for a mexican rooster, believe me.
haha you still wish it now after two years since this post? Peter? i think she read "Rainbow valley" and loved it so much she had to imitate the name of the rooster!too bad i can't see the picture from 1999,you guys must have been very cute!!
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